Reporting And Data

Hospital-Issued Notice of Non-coverage (HINN)

Latest Update: August 21, 2020


A HINN is issued in order to transfer financial liability to beneficiaries if the hospital determines that the care the beneficiary is receiving, or is about to receive, is not covered in a specific case. There are currently four different HINNs: HINN1, HINN10, HINN11, & HINN12.

Responsible Party

Who Must Report?



How Do I Report?

Hospitals provide Hospital-Issued Notices of Noncoverage (HINNs) to beneficiaries prior to admission, at admission, or at any point during an inpatient stay if the hospital determines that the items or services the beneficiary is receiving, or is about to receive, are not covered because it is:

  • Not medically necessary;
  • Not delivered in the most appropriate setting; or
  • Custodial in nature.

Please note:

  • HINN 10, also known as the Notice of Hospital Requested Review (HRR), should be issued by hospitals to beneficiaries whenever a hospital requests QIO review of a discharge decision without physician concurrence. HIINN 10 may be used  for Original Medicare beneficiaries or Medicare Advantage enrollees.
  • HINN 11, which is used for noncovered items or services provided during an otherwise covered stay.
  • HINN 12 should be used in association with the Hospital Discharge Appeal Notices to inform beneficiaries of their potential financial liability for a noncovered continued stay.
  • The Preadmission/Admission HINN, used prior to an entirely noncovered stay, is also known as HINN 1.

Instructions for each HINN are attached below. In the instructions are more details on how each HINN must be delivered. 


Any other pertinent information

Questions regarding HINNs can be submitted at: https://appeals.lmi.org

Although many of these requirements apply to individual medical professionals and other types of hospitals and health care facilities, the information is presented solely to support Critical Access Hospitals. The reporting requirements and legal mandates on this site are not an exhaustive list and Nevada Rural Hospital Partners, Inc. bears no responsibility or liability for any hospitals' or providers' failure to comply with Federal or State laws or regulations.