Reporting And Data

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Advanced Beneficiary Notice (ABN) for Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)

Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) must issue a notice to Original Medicare (fee for service - FFS) beneficiaries in order to transfer potential financial liability before the SNF provides an item or service that is usually paid for by Medicare, but may not be paid for in this particular instance because it is not medically reasonable and necessary, […]

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Destruction of Medical Records

A provider of health care shall provide a written statement and post, in a conspicuous place in each location at which the provider of health care performs health care services, a sign which discloses to patients that their health care records may be destroyed after 5 years unless the patient is less than 23 years […]

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Dietary Services (Menus)

Intermediate Care Facilities in Nevada (incl. Distinct Part Long-Term Care/Skilled Nursing Facilities) must provide residents with menus. Menus must be planned and followed to meet the nutritional needs of the residents in accordance with the orders of a physician and, to the extent medically possible, in accordance with the recommended dietary allowances of the Food […]

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Notice of Nondiscrimination (State)

Medical facilities must post prominently in the facility and their Internet website a statement of nondiscrimination as well as the contact information for how to file a complaint with the Division.

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Notice of Rights and Services for Residents
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Open Meeting Law Notices

Except in an emergency, written notice of all meetings must be given at least 3 working days before the meeting of a public body. The notice must include the time, place and location of the meeting, a list of the locations where the notice has been posted, the name & contact information for a designated […]

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Physician Certification Statement (PCS)(for non-emergency ambulance trips)NEW 

Ambulance providers are required to obtain a Physician Certification Statement (PCS) from the patient's attending physician for non-emergency ambulance trips from a facility under the direct care of a physician (CAH, SNF, etc.)

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Statement of Limitation of Advanced Directive(s)

Providers must provide a written statement as well as the policies of the provider or organization respecting the implementation of such rights, including a clear and precise statement of limitation if the provider cannot implement an advance directive on the basis of conscience.

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Although many of these requirements apply to individual medical professionals and other types of hospitals and health care facilities, the information is presented solely to support Critical Access Hospitals. The reporting requirements and legal mandates on this site are not an exhaustive list and Nevada Rural Hospital Partners, Inc. bears no responsibility or liability for any hospitals' or providers' failure to comply with Federal or State laws or regulations.