Reporting And Data

Workplace Violence

Latest Update: May 9, 2023

Training Information

Responsible Party

Who Must Complete Training?
All employees of the facility and other providers of care at the facility must receive training concerning the prevention of workplace violence.


When Do I Need to Complete?
  • Required upon the adoption of a new plan for the prevention of workplace violence
  • Required upon employment and annually thereafter
  • Required upon commencing new job duties/assignment in a new location of the facility
  • Required when a previously unrecognized hazard is identified, or when a material change to the facility requires a change to the plan


The legal mandate requiring reporting

NRS 618.7311“Workplace violence” defined.  “Workplace violence” means any act of violence or threat of violence that occurs at a medical facility, except for a lawful act of self-defense or defense of another person. The term includes, without limitation:

      1.  The use or threatened use of physical force against an employee or other provider of care, regardless of whether the employee or other provider of care is physically or psychologically injured; and

      2.  An incident involving the use or threatened use of a firearm or other dangerous weapon, regardless of whether an employee or other provider of care is physically or psychologically injured.

      (Added to NRS by 2019, 3673)

NRS 618.7312  Medical facility required to establish committee on workplace safety and develop plan relating to workplace violence; contents of plan.

      1.  A medical facility shall:

      (a) Establish a committee on workplace safety, which must consist of:

             (1) If a staffing committee has been established for the medical facility pursuant to NRS 449.242 or an applicable collective bargaining agreement:

                   (I) The members of the staffing committee; and

                   (II) Employees of the medical facility who work in areas of the medical facility other than those represented on the staffing committee, appointed by the operator of the medical facility.

             (2) If a staffing committee has not been established for the medical facility pursuant to NRS 449.242 or an applicable collective bargaining agreement, employees of the medical facility appointed by the operator of the medical facility. Such employees must include, without limitation, employees who work in all major areas of the medical facility.

      (b) Develop and maintain a plan for the prevention of and response to workplace violence. The plan must:

             (1) Be in writing;

             (2) Be in effect at all times;

             (3) Be available to be viewed by each employee of the medical facility or other provider of care at the medical facility at all times;

             (4) Be specific for each unit, area and location maintained by the medical facility; and

             (5) Be developed in collaboration with the committee on workplace safety established pursuant to paragraph (a).

      2.  The plan developed pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 must include, without limitation:

      (a) A requirement that all employees of the medical facility and other providers of care at the medical facility receive the training described in NRS 618.7313 concerning the prevention of workplace violence:

             (1) Upon the adoption of a new plan for the prevention of workplace violence;

             (2) Upon commencing employment and annually thereafter;

             (3) Upon commencing new job duties in a new location of the medical facility or a new assignment in a new location of the medical facility; and

             (4) When a previously unrecognized hazard is identified or there is a material change in the facility requiring a change to the plan.

      (b) Procedures that meet the requirements of NRS 618.7314 for responding to and investigating incidents of workplace violence.

      (c) Procedures that meet the requirements of the regulations adopted pursuant to NRS 618.7317 for assessing and responding to situations that create the potential for workplace violence.

      (d) Procedures for correcting hazards that increase the risk of workplace violence, including, without limitation, using engineering controls that are feasible and applicable to the medical facility and work practice controls to eliminate or minimize exposure of employees and other providers of care to such hazards.

      (e) Procedures for obtaining assistance from security guards or public safety agencies when appropriate.

      (f) Procedures for responding to incidents involving an active shooter and other threats of mass casualties through the use of plans for evacuation and sheltering that are feasible and appropriate for the medical facility.

      (g) Procedures for annually assessing, in collaboration with the committee on workplace safety established pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1, the effectiveness of the plan.

      (Added to NRS by 2019, 3673)

NRS 618.7313  Requirements for training provided under plan relating to workplace violence; medical facility required to collaborate with committee on workplace violence.

      1.  The training provided under the plan developed pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 618.7312 must address the risks of workplace violence that an employee or other provider of care may be reasonably anticipated to encounter on his or her job and must include, without limitation, instruction concerning:

      (a) An explanation of the plan, the manner in which the medical facility plans to address incidents of workplace violence, the manner in which an employee may participate in reviewing and revising the plan and any information necessary for employees and other providers of care to perform the duties that may be required of each employee or other provider of care under the plan;

      (b) Recognizing situations that may result in workplace violence;

      (c) When and how to respond to and seek assistance in preventing or responding to workplace violence;

      (d) Reporting incidents of workplace violence to the medical facility and public safety agencies when appropriate;

      (e) Resources available to employees and other providers of care in coping with incidents of workplace violence, including, without limitation, debriefing processes established by the medical facility for use after an incident of workplace violence and available programs to assist employees and other providers of care in recovering from incidents of workplace violence; and

      (f) For each employee or other provider of care who has contact with patients, training concerning verbal intervention and de-escalation techniques that:

             (1) Allows the employee or other provider of care to practice those techniques with other employees and other providers of care with whom he or she works; and

             (2) Includes a meeting to debrief each practice session conducted pursuant to subparagraph (1).

      2.  A medical facility shall collaborate with the committee on workplace safety established pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 1 of NRS 618.7312 in developing, reviewing and revising the training provided under the plan developed pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 618.7312 and any curricula or materials used in that training.

      (Added to NRS by 2019, 3674)

Current Documents

Documents related to this reporting
Although many of these requirements apply to individual medical professionals and other types of hospitals and health care facilities, the information is presented solely to support Critical Access Hospitals. The reporting requirements and legal mandates on this site are not an exhaustive list and Nevada Rural Hospital Partners, Inc. bears no responsibility or liability for any hospitals' or providers' failure to comply with Federal or State laws or regulations.