***This reporting requirement ended on 4/7/21.*** Facilities administering the COVID-19 vaccine will need to enter certain aggregate and other information into the REDCap system in addition to the data entered into WebIZ. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.
In addition to the findings of any lab test suggesting the presence of a communicable disease, the director of a medical lab must also submit microbiologic cultures, subcultures, culture-independent diagnostic tests or other specimens or clinical material to the State Public Health Laboratory.
*HHS has revised the Provider Relief Fund (PRF) Post-Payment Notice of Reporting Requirements that was issued on January 15, 2021.* Provider Relief Fund (PRF) recipients that received one or more individual payments exceeding $10,000 (not cumulatively) from the PRF will be required to report to HHS demonstrating their compliance with the terms and conditions which they agreed to.
All Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) who received and accepted the Rural Testing Relief Fund Payment (RHC COVID-19 Testing Program) or the RHC COVID-19 Testing and Mitigation Program must report monthly the number of COVID-19 tests collected system wide (across all entities associated with the RHC's Tax Id Number (TIN)) and the number of positive COVID-19 Tests as required by the Terms and Conditions of accepting the payment.
Facilities must inform DPBH staff immediately if a resident or staff tests positive two weeks or more following their second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Hospitals are requested to complete a daily log on patients that need to be discharged to a lower level of care in order to help track the COVID-19 bed crisis throughout the State of Nevada.
***This reporting requirement ended on May 3, 2023.***Nevada skilled nursing facilities are required to complete a daily census survey under a directive from the State's Chief Medical Officer. The State will use this information for internal dashboards that will merge with data provided by the hospitals. State health officials hope that having this data will help to organize transitions and tell the full story of need within Nevada.
COVID-19 vaccine supply must be entered into VaccineFinder by all registered providers on a daily basis. Once there is widespread availability of the vaccine, the system will help the public search for provider locations offering vaccination near them.
Skilled nursing facilities must report any outbreaks of COVID-19 immediately, and continue reporting until there are no new cases. An outbreak is defined as any new occurrence in residents or staff.
All NV hospitals must report to the Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH) within 24 hours of any decision or intent to stop medically necessary procedures and provide the dates that the stoppage will remain in effect.