Reporting And Data

Lead (Pediatric Lead Levels)

Latest Update: June 28, 2021

Reporting Information

Qualified laboratories, offices of providers, and medical facilities shall report any result of a blood test for lead screening obtained by using a capillary specimen and which indicates an amount of lead in the blood that is greater than the amount designated by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists.

Responsible Party

Who Must Report?

Each qualified laboratory, office of a provider of health care or other services or medical facility NRS 442.700


When Do I Report?

On occurrence and "as soon as practicable after conducting the test"


How Do I Report?

For those in rural counties, under the jurisdiction of Division of Public and Behavioral Health:

  • Telephone Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health 775-684-5911
  • Fax the Nevada Confidential Morbidity Report Form (attached below) to 775-684-5999

For those in Carson City, under the jurisdiction of Carson City  Health and Human Services:

  • Telephone Carson City Health and Human Services 775-887-2190
  • Fax the Nevada Confidential Morbidity Report Form (attached below) to 775-887-2138

For those in Washoe County, under the jurisdiction of Washoe County Health District:

  • Telephone Washoe County Health District 775-328-2447
  • Fax the Nevada Confidential Morbidity Report Form (attached below) to 775-328-3764
  • Email epicenter@washoecounty.us for questions

For those in Clark County, under the jurisdiction of Southern Nevada Health District:

1. Electronically through the Southern Nevada Health District’s Online Reporting Form (https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/news-info/reportable-diseases/reportable-diseases- form/)
• To submit bulk reports of lead results for <5 mcg/dL, please go to SNHD's Online Provider Disease Reporting Form and sign in using your user login.
2. Telephone Southern Nevada Health District at 702-759-1300.
3. Fax the Nevada Confidential Morbidity Report Form (https://www.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/download/epi/nv-morbidity-form.pdf) (attached below) to 702-759-1414. Under HIPAA regulations, protected health information can be shared with public health authorities in accordance with existing state laws without the consent of the patient.


Why Should I Report?

Failure to report is a misdemeanor and subject to an administrative fine of $1,000 for each violation.


The legal mandate requiring reporting

NRS 442.700

 3.  Each qualified laboratory, office of a provider of health care or other services or medical facility that conducts a blood test for the presence of lead in a child who is under 18 years of age shall, as soon as  practicable after conducting the test, submit a report of the results of the test to the appropriate health authority in accordance with regulations adopted by the State Board of Health. The report must include, without limitation:

      (a) The name, sex, race, ethnicity and date of birth of the child;

      (b) The address of the child, including, without limitation, the county and zip code in which the child resides;

      (c) The date on which the sample was collected;

      (d) The type of sample that was collected; and

      (e) The name and contact information of the provider of health care who ordered the test.


Any associated codes (ICD-10)

CPT Code 83655


Any other pertinent information

At this time, the State Board of Health has not adopted regulations providing instruction on the submission of this data.

*As of 6-28-21, the Southern Nevada Health District has released new information (attached below) on how to report for those in the jurisdiction of the SNHD*

Originating Legislation: SB90 (2019) 

Covered by Medicaid Services Manual (MSM) Ch. 800 and Ch. 1500

803.1A.1h. Laboratory tests associated with the EPSDT (Healthy Kids Program) screening examination referenced in Medicaid Services Manual (MSM) Chapter 1500. The associated costs of the hematocrit and urine “dip stick” with the exception of metabolic screening (e.g. Phenylketonuria (PKU)) and sickle cell screening fees, are included as part of the fee for EPSDT.

Age-appropriate laboratory procedures must be performed at intervals in accordance with the Healthy Kids periodicity schedule. These include blood lead level assessment appropriate to age and risk, urinalysis, Tuberculin Skin Test(TST), Sickle-cell, hemoglobin or hematocrit and other tests and procedures that are age-appropriate and medically necessary, such as Pap smears.

Although many of these requirements apply to individual medical professionals and other types of hospitals and health care facilities, the information is presented solely to support Critical Access Hospitals. The reporting requirements and legal mandates on this site are not an exhaustive list and Nevada Rural Hospital Partners, Inc. bears no responsibility or liability for any hospitals' or providers' failure to comply with Federal or State laws or regulations.