Physician or member of staff must report each abortion performed.
Chief administrative officer of each hospital must prepare and make available list of patients who are under the age of seven and have one or more birth defects, as well as patients discharged with adverse birth outcomes.
A provider of health care who delivers or provides medical services to an infant in a medical facility and who knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the infant was born with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, is affected by prenatal substance abuse or is experiencing symptoms of withdrawal from a substance as a […]
If a birth (incl. a stillbirth) occurs in a hospital or the mother and child are immediately transported to a hospital, the person in charge of the hospital or his or her designated representative shall obtain the necessary information, prepare a birth certificate, secure the signatures required by the certificate and file it within 10 […]
Any licensed health care professional or hospital personnel who has reasonable knowledge to believe that a child under 18 has been abused or neglected shall report the abuse or neglect. Additionally, if the reporter has reason to believe that a newborn infant has been affected by a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or prenatal substance abuse […]
Must report number of patients admitted for hospital care for a complication which resulted from an abortion.
For hospitals who regularly offer obstetric services (not only on emergency basis), attending physician must examine infants and report any cases of congenital heart disease.
Facilities must report maternal death or serious injury associated with labor or delivery in a pregnancy while being cared for in a healthcare setting. Includes events that occur within 42 days post-delivery. Excludes deaths from pulmonary or amniotic fluid embolism, acute fatty liver of pregnancy, or cardiomyopathy.
Facilities must report death or serious injury of neonate associated with labor or delivery in a pregnancy. Includes, for the office-based surgery, birthing center or “home” setting, unplanned admission to an inpatient setting within 24 hours of delivery. Unplanned admission to other than the birth setting should be verified with the identified birth setting.
Providers, hospitals, and anyone knowing the condition exists must immediately report cases of ophthalmia neonatorum (ON). The report must be signed by the parent or guardian.
If the examination and tests reveal the existence of preventable/inheritable disorders or conditions in an infant, the provider or hospital attending or assisting at the birth of the infant shall report to the State's Chief Medical Officer, and local county health officers. Upon notification by the State Public Health Laboratory that a test is abnormal […]